MetaStock is the next generation of P2E Node-mining games. MetaStocks is a crypto GAMING token built with an Anti-Dump Mechanism to protect you from crashes that disrupt small scale projects while still providing you with a super high daily compound interest rate of between 1% and 3%. Do you know what Metastock is? To be the best CEO of the year, you have to take on the role of CEO of a COMPANY and buy a lot of businesses. Metastock is a business management game where you have to take on the role of CEO of a COMPANY, buy several companies to become the best CEO of the year. When you build your business, the game begins. You are free to start as many businesses as you like. Each company (node) distributes dividends (rewards). Nodes are groups of data points that people pay to create and use. Each node generates the number of coins or tokens it represents. Each token generated can be exchanged for liquidity related coins on the open market or used to build n...